Interpretation of the Brief

 The Interpretation of the Brief

Who is the audience?: My audience are younger people for the ages 11-19. In my documentary, I mainly talk about how the PlayStation has changed over time and how Sony had to make changes for each successor. I do think that my younger audience will be interested in this documentary because they themselves haven't played the older versions of the console, like the older generation and they would probably be interested how Sony improved their consoles over the years.

What they require?: The documentary will be about to 5-10 minutes long.

Now a days gaming has become more of a social activity due to COVID-19 lockdown restrictions, as they can't meet up with friends instead, younger people will be dependent on social media and gaming to be able to contact with friends not only that but due to the fact gaming can make them feel relaxed about the situation, and don't feel anxiety about COVID-19 cases and deaths; which is being overly talked subject on the news so gaming and social media is a distraction from the negatives of the world.

My documentary meets the brief because my documentary is aimed at younger audience, as they might be interested of how the very console that they are playing got changed or how made everything easier and simpler to play the console. Also, my documentary explains about the new features of every PlayStation console which I think, my younger audience will also be interested in that.


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