This the first time that I used YouCut, since I can't use Premier Pro due to the college being closed. YouCut isn't that complicated as Premier Pro, it's actually a bit easier in my opinion. When you go to YouCut, you chose a piece of footage from your album and you can start to edit. For my video, I filmed the parking area and the a tiny garden of my apartment and I used texts to describe how 'beautiful' Sunderland is. Using the texts isn't that complicated but the one thing that I find it a bit of a challenge is adding music, I went to the music section and I choose the one that I liked but it took me a long time to figure it out how to take the music that I choose and put it on my video. I did manage to figure it out, all you need to is to go to music and chose the one that you want and click on it and there is the 'free' button and click it and it will appear an add and after the add is over, that button changes to 'use' button and your music...